October 13, 2021

All holiday country codes

Below is a list of supported countries and their ISO code for the Forecast Forge holiday database.

Find the country you want in the table and then enter the ISO code in the sidebar or as the fourth argumnent to FORGE_FORECAST

Country ISO code
Argentina AR
Aruba AW
Australia AU
Austria AT
Bangladesh BD
Belgium BE
Brazil BR
Canada CA
Chile CL
China CN
Colombia CO
Croatia HR
Czechia CZ
Denmark DK
Dominican Republic DO
Egypt EG
Estonia EE
Finland FI
France FR
Germany DE
Greece GR
Honduras HN
Hong Kong HK
Hungary HU
Indonesia ID
Iceland IS
India IN
Ireland IE
Israel IL
Italy IT
Kenya KE
Lithuania LT
Luxembourg LU
Malaysia MY
Mexico MX
Morocco MA
Netherlands NL
New Zealand NZ
Nicaragua NI
Nigeria NG
Norway NO
Paraguay PY
Peru PE
Philippines PH
Pakistan PK
Poland PL
Portugal PT
Russia RU
Singapore SG
Slovakia SK
Slovenia SI
South Africa ZA
Spain ES
Sweden SE
Switzerland CH
Turkey TR or TU
Thailand TH
United Arab Emirates AE
United Kingdom GB or UK
United States US
Vietnam VN